Key issue
Changes may occur within our work activities and it is important that we assess these for risks to human safety and damage to both the environment and the equipment used. If we cannot do the work as planned, we stop it. We control this process through our Management of Change (MOC) procedure. In this procedure, we distinguish between minor and major deviations. The MOC procedure can result in a new working method without extra risks, in which the change is recorded and you, the client, are informed.
The project schedule is worked out in detail in accordance with the work packages. We link the risks and control measures from the risk management register to the schedule. Based on the risk analyses, we provide an overview of the impact on the schedule and, if necessary, we update it.

Safety wave programme
The aim of this programme is to increase the safety culture. The core value of this programme is: We either work safely or we don’t work at all. We must constantly be aware that safety is important in all phases of a project. From the initiation and development phase to the planning phase and outside on the workfloor, but also, for example, inside the office or on the construction site. The core value `we either work safely or we don’t work at all’ always applies.
Even in difficult situations such as pressure on the schedule or budget, or if one last point needs to be resolved quickly: even then we will be consistent. Safety is part of everything we do. If our work is unsafe, we stop and discuss the situation. Caring for each other’s safety means daring to call each other to account. We are honest about accidents, near accidents and unsafe situations. We learn from them and prevent any repetition in the future.
Safety culture ladder
In order to make Sagro’s safety awareness measurable, transparent and comparable, we have certified ourselves on the safety ladder. By 2022, we aim to have reached safety ladder level 4. A self-assessment (SAQ) has been carried out to check our current level against our ambition. We score at least a 3 and sometimes a 4 out of 5 on every aspect. In the coming months, we will work to raise all aspects up to the ambition level. In this way, we are continuously striving to improve safety within our organisation and the projects we carry out.
Contact Us
We would love to speak with you.
Feel free to reach out using the below details.
HSSE manager
- +31 113 351 710
Sagro Decom
- Estlandweg 10, Nieuwdorp
- Open 24 hours